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Approved Minutes 12/16/2014
DECEMBER 16, 2014

The Public Art Commission (PAC) was held on Tuesday, December 16, 2014, in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Chairperson Norene Gachignard called the meeting to order 6:10pm

Roll Call:
Members present:  Norene Gachignard (Chair), Ellen Hardy, Claudia Paraschiv, J. Michael Sullivan, Deborah Greel, Public Art Planner, was also present.

Absent:  Victor Miguel Cruz, Juliette Fritsch, Lillian Hsu

Approval of Minutes
J. Michael Sullivan made a motion to approve the minutes of November 18, 2104.  Ellen Hardy seconded the motion.   

Motion passes:  3-0 with 1 Abstention by Ellen Hardy

Approval of Criteria for Proposals

Documents and Exhibits:   
  • Criteria for Public Art Proposals
Sullivan made a motion to approve the Criteria for Public Art Proposals.  Paraschiv seconded the motion.  
Discussion followed: Hardy and Paraschiv commented that asking “Why Salem” is a legitimate question to be added to the criteria.  It would answer the question of why they did they pick Salem and a particular location.  Hardy asked if #6 (Describe installation method) is the same as #12 (Outline schedule from fabrication to installation).  Greel recommended the more information the better.
Changes suggested to the criteria:

#1 – Currently written as “Provide resume or bio for all artists on the project” will now be written as “Provide resume or bio for all artists on the project and example of past work including material, size, location and year work was produced.

#2 – Currently written as “Describe the concept of the project and its value to Salem” will now be written as “Describe the concept of the project, why you choose Salem and its value to the city.”

#3 – Currently written as “Name the desired location(s) and whether you have secured permission” will now be written as “Name the desired location and why it was selected, whether you have secured permission”

#14 will be added to the criteria – “Does the project involve community participation in the fabrication process?”

Motion passes:   4 -0

Approval of Art Selection Panels

Documents and Exhibits
  • Artists’ Row Creative Entrepreneur Program Panel
  • Public Art Installation for Salem Art Festival Panel
Artists’ Row Creative Entrepreneur Program Art Selection Panel
Motion made by Paraschiv to approve the Artist Row Creative Entrepreneur Program Panel which includes: Juliette Fritsch, Kylie Sullivan, and Stacy Pappas.  Motion seconded by Sullivan.  
Motion Passes:   4-0

Public Art Installation Art Selection Panel
Motion made by Sullivan to approve the Public Art Installation for Salem Art Festival Art Selection Panel which includes:  Lillian Hsu, Claudia Paraschiv, Matt Kirchman, and Kylie Sullivan.   Motion seconded by Paraschiv.
Discussion follows:  Hardy mentioned that there needs to be an uneven number. Gachignard and Sullivan suggested there needs to be another member.  Gachignard recommended that Greel be the fifth voting member.  
Greel informed the commission that there is only one submission to date.  The commissioners expressed concern about the December 19 deadline.  Gachignard asked that Greel work with Kylie Sullivan, the Director of the Salem Main Streets Program, to extend the deadline for accepting proposals.

Motion passes: 3-0 -  1 Abstention by Claudia Paraschiv

Review of Art Box Criteria

Documents and Exhibits:
  • Art Box Call for Artists – 2014
Discussion:  Hardy asked if all of the allocated funds for the program need to be spent.  Greel said that the commission had already voted on the appropriation as part of their budget from work plan.  Sullivan asked the location of the boxes that can be painted in 2015.  Greel will bring the locations of the boxes to the next meeting.  
The map on the City’s website showing Art Box locations need to be updated. Paraschiv suggested adding a GIS layer to the map so it can become more interactive.  
Sullivan asked when the call for proposals is sent.  Greel said that the call goes out in February. Paraschiv suggested that the public should be able to see the selection process of the artist.  Hardy mentioned that the sixth artist no selected should be notified how close the selection process was to encourage their participation in future calls.  
Paraschiv noted and Gachignard concurred that this is a successful program for engaging the public.
Greel noted that the Public Art Commission has the experience to pick the finalists for the program.  

Motion made by Sullivan to accept the Art Box Call for Artists - 2014 without edits except to change the date to 2015.  Motion seconded by Hardy
Motion passes:  4-0  

Gachignard called for a motion to adjourn.  Paraschiv made the motion to adjourn, Hardy seconded the motion.  Motion Passes 5-0  Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm